Sunday 16 December 2012

Charlie Waite Landscape Photographer

I was lucky enough recently to go to a lecture by Charlie Waite, one of the world's leading landscape photographers.  He is noted for his "painterly approach" in using light and shade. It has been said that his photographs convey an almost spiritual quality of calm and serenity. What came over most from the lecture was his passion for landscape photography and his perfectionism, with amazing attention to detail when taking photographs.  He emphasised that light is key to photography and he is prepared to wait for the light to change when taking photographs. He has written "I find that much of my photography involves construction, waiting for elements to happily interlock and align themselves".  He also has written "more often that not light is the greatest catalyst that can react and finally yield the image one yearns"

During the lecture he also emphasised the need to take great care when taking photographs as opposed to the scatter gun approach of taking lots of photographs in the hope that one will be good.
His photographs were amazing, meticulously observed with very clever use of light and shade.  He said  he was moved by the beauty of the scenes and this has been conveyed very successfully in his photographs.  Interestingly quite a few photographs were taken on a compact camera at opportunist moments confirming the need to always carry a compact camera with you.

I felt inspired by his lecture, as I am particularly interested in landscape photography and it was fascinating to learn how much patience and attention to detail was involved in taking his photographs.  I will definitely take more care over taking my landscape photographs and be prepared to wait for lighting conditions to change.  I can't wait to pick up my camera and go out and take more landscape shots.

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